Revenue Share

Benefits of being a $DAP holder and the revenue distribution program

Revenue Sharing for holders

Token holding amounts will determine the revenue share and from which avenue they will be distributed from. There will be multiple sources of income in the ecosystem from ADS to product & template purchases in-house.

Tiers & Benefits

Each tier will have one of 2, or all sets of benefits attached to it; rev share & product perks and freebies. Specifics are outlined below;

TIERSToken Holdings (%)Rev Distro $Product perks

Tier 1


  • ADS Rev (50%)

  • UI, Site & CA (80%)

  • Staking multiplier (1.5x)

Free lifetime access to all products & first access to new Beta releases

Tier 2


  • ADS Rev (50%)

  • UI, Site & CA (80%)

Limited amount of free deployments & templates p/m

Tier 3


  • UI, Site & CA (80%)

20% Discounts on all products

Tier 4


  • UI, Site (80%)

10% Discounts on all products

Last updated